March 9, 2010

Day 9 Lovin Nelson- More Ugh

So in the beginning of the movie Avatar we find out that the main character has been asleep for 6 years, sealed up in a container, kept asleep, no need to do anything except pass time. I was thinking of getting one of those machines. Right now sleeping for a few months seems like it might be a good idea.

This has been a good commitment for me to make at this time. Keeps me out and active. After all that talk last week of being present, now I am struggling to not shoot ahead into the future, usually coming up with outcomes that do not comfort me. I visit the past now and then, get upset, but mostly it is the future I am having to work hard to stay out of, it is the future that now brings imagined sadness and loss. Stay here in the present and be released from pain I tell myself. Stay here, Stay here, stay here......stay..... ugh.

My stomach aches.

“What recent challenges have you dealt with?” is the less than inspired question in 12 days journal #331

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