February 5, 2010

Latest Commitment! What to do?

This is going to have to be one of those cryptic commitments. I am presently having to make a really tough decision. As fate would have it the last day of this commitment is the day I have to make it by. I will eventually tell you all what is going on, it is not something I feel I need to hide, only that it is sensitive and I want to wait to go public. I want to give myself the space to decide truly for MYSELF. Something that has long been a struggle for me as I usually choose the warrior way, the strong way the “I can do anything!” way. This time though I might give some time and thought to a way which benefits my sense of ease, my health, my outcome. I know that both these ways are choosing me, but they do so in very different ways...at this point I need to decided which way to go...OR (I can hear my Michael's voice running through my psyche) maybe this is not an either or, maybe there are other options?

I commit to taking the next 12 days to make a very important decision in my life, one that will effect my family, my friend both here and far away but most of all effects me, my hopes and dreams, my love and dedication, my commitment and devotion to this beautiful existence. I will revel what the decision is about, and what I have decided either at the end of this commitment or somewhere along the way. I am commitment to sharing this journey with anyone who reads, who wants to know. There are so many of you who read and then reach out and love me up. Thank you, you who is reading this sentence, thank you. Even now while I am struggling with this decision, what I am most overcome with is sheer joy at how carefully, mindfully, wonderfully loved I am by so many. (BIG SMILE across my teary face)