October 2, 2009

Day 7 Sans Coffee- Coffee

I writing in my back corner here at Oso, the coffee smells so good...just 5 more days...sigh. I was wondering about being addicted. I mean I haven’t had any headaches, no cravings when I am not actually around the stuff, I don’t know that I am addicted. It is the taste I miss, the sweet creamy foam on the top of a cappuccino.....argh...maybe I am addicted....5 more days.

I wrote the following about a month ago, then some big inspiration swooped in, I wrote a second post and submitted that one instead. I am posting this today in honour of my love for Oso Negro coffee...my long lost friend. I am posting it also partly due to laziness. If I could have coffee maybe I could muster the inspiration for something original? Anyway.....

“I am sitting in Oso, wondering what to talk about, or should I say what to write about, talking at Oso is never a problem. I write here often, I have a protocol for being left alone, which works sometimes and not others. My favourite table in Oso Negro is the big back table in the Northwest corner. I can watch the town come and go from this spot, tucked away. If I wear my headphones, which usually don’t even have music playing through them, people stay away. From here I can write, watch, drink coffee; many of the entries you have read have been produced in exactly this fashion. A lot of the time though, I don’t want people to stay away. Nelson is a fabulous town, sure it has its glaring holes and rough edges, but all in all it is a wonderfully inspiring place to live, and it is the people who make it so. This little spot in Nelson where I often write, really is the centre of the universe, mine anyway. If I sit here long enough a member of my family will eventually walk in, there is always a member of my extended chosen family here, and there is no shortage of exceptional and usually fairly quirky folk around to talk to. There is generally a line out the door for coffee, this place can get very loud! Which brings me to the coffee. I know I may not win friends with this comment but I feel that I must honestly state that Oso Negro (which is Latin for Black Bear by the way) has the best coffee there is. I feel confident saying so since I have sampled coffee the world over, or close enough. Everyone who works here is very well trained, I believe you have to work here 6 months before you are even allowed to touch the espresso machine. My friend Dana, who was a barista elsewhere before moving to Nelson, has been working here at least 4 months, I have yet to see her pull a coffee. Yes I love coffee, and I love Oso, and I love Nelson”

“What is amazing about where you live?“
is the question in 12 days journal#173


  1. Ah ha. I'm going to talk to you, headphones or not. Yes, Oso is the best, even the decaf is wonderful. And the best people are there.

  2. I love the coffee. I love the folks. I love the lovely ladies who work behind the counter...oh yeah.

  3. I had an amazing post about this and then I clicked "newer post" instead of "post comment" and lost it. That is so NOT amazing!!! I don't have the heart to try to reconstruct it, either, which is also not amazing. Sorry! LOL.
