Radio shows, ferries, cars that won’t start, good laughter, relational deepenings, relational strains, dogs, pee stops, food, scattered travellers on an epic road trip, all added up to me realizing, at nearly midnight, that I had yet to swim. I considered lying to you all; I was freezing and the idea of going out into the rainy night to slip into a mountain lake sounded torturous. Michael lovingly encouraged me, nudged me out into the clouded full moon night. We walked slowly towards the lake, wrapped in blankets. Talking about the journey we had been on this last few days. Michael is in the last leg of his tour with the L.O.V.E Collective, his brain and heart child. I am with them for the first time, just as this particular incarnation of the group is ending. Michael and I have formed a very deep friendship steeped in mutual goals, loves, and desires. We are blessed with similar communication models, which makes understanding each other so easy. Ease...blessed ease.
We arrived at the lake and jumped in. By “jumped” I mean walked very slowly, hands clutched round our bodies, making a huge fuss about how bloody cold it was. The lake here on Cortes Island, Hague Lake, is actually incredibly warm for a Canadian lake, but this didn’t seem to make any difference. It was COLD!
Since this commitment began I have been curious as to what exactly constitutes “swimming” in a natural body of water? You should know that I haven’t exactly been swimming laps! Michael decided that so long as both my feet come off the ground, it was “swimming”.
As soon as both my toes breached the surface of the water, I was out of there! Michael was braver, he dove in, but quickly followed me out.
We walked home, wrapped tightly in our blankets. The rain let up, a small patch of sky appeared, and the full moon made a cameo appearance. Michael and I have known each-other for exactly a moon cycle and a day....I think after many, many more cycles pass that we will still be walking in the moonlight together, working as partners, doing the work of our hearts.
The question of what constitutes “swimming” made my friend Joelique think of “What is enough?”. I wondered how I could mould this question into something that would be easy to answer, but decided the question was enough. And so this is how it is written in 12 days journal 85, which will be given to Joelique.
It is enough to be true to ourselves, to walk in our truth, or express and share our truths freely with others as we feel moved. When we are doing this, all the rest falls nicely into place (in my experience).